
SureFast HQ Serrated Seal Sealer Tool

This SureFast HQ Serrated Sealer Tool is simply used to crimp serrated seals over polypropylene strapping. This particular sealer can crimp 13mm wide serrated seals.
  • Serrated Seals are used for maximum joint efficiency
  • Used to secure 13mm Polypropylene with 13mm seals
  • Creates a crimped seal for reliable connection
  • Available for export available for export

Key product features

What is the difference between this serrated sealer tool and the SF1606 sealer?

The main difference between these two sealers is that the SF1616 serrated sealer tool is able to crimp serrated seals which are stronger than Standard and Heavy Duty seals, in comparison to the SF1606 which only crimps the standard seals. The serrated seals also create an increased grip on the strapping once they have been sealed.

What else is needed along with the sealer?

Our SureFast SF1616 tool works in conjunction with serrated metal seals and a tension tool to secure and strap various items such as cardboard boxes, crates and bundles for shipping or storage. The tension tool brings the strap to tension and the sealer is used to secure the serrated metal seal to the strap, creating a strong connection. Our serrated seals are stronger and more efficient than the standard seals.


Key Features

This SureFast HQ Serrated Sealer tool is specifically designed with offset jaws for use with serrated strapping seals. It produces a stronger and more efficient seal than basic sealers and features long metal arms for an easy and fast application. Used with a tensioner tool as part of a 2 part strapping system, the sealer is used to apply high leverage to crimp the metal seal over the tensioned strapping.

This tool features long handles for a quick and easy application with safe seal closure but is only available to suit 13mm strapping widths.

Constructed for regular use and suitable for medium duty packaging, this sealer tool provides maximum seal strengths for your products. The tool is also flexible enough to be used vertically or horizontally.